Free information whilst having the benefit of being free is usually a sales pitch of one kind or another and so the information given is naturally going to lead you by the nose to a conclusion that suits the seller rather than you the golfer. I would point out that there are some genuine people out there who will provide tips and advice for nothing but the caution here is "Do they really know what they are talking about?"
If you are serious about learning about golf then I would recommend purchasing a course of instruction and following it through thoroughly. The important word here is thoroughly. I have had so many people say "I bought such and such book and it didn't work for me." When I question them more closely it usually turns out that
Joseph Noteboom Shirt , yes they bought the book, course DVD etc and watched or read it once, tried a couple of things and when it didn't work straightaway they dismissed it out of hand.
Let's be clear, there is no magic golf book, no golf guru or golf lesson that will transform you into a scratch player overnight. Tiger Woods still has a coach. The worlds foremost golfer still takes instruction. Why do you imagine that a few tips from the Internet will cure your slice
Eric Dickerson Shirt , improve your putting or give you the longest drive in the world?